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Sarah Robson Barrister
0800 634 9650
The original Black Belt Barrister
Fixed Costs Specialist
Other Useful Fixed Costs Cases
DJ Bellamy, Sheffield CC, 11.12.18
DJ Underwood, Bradford CC, 15.12.17
DDJ LeBas, Guildford CC, 19.11.19 (upheld on appeal)
Bobby Prior v Silverline International Ltd
HHJ Wood QC, Liverpool CC, 08.07.15
Cable v Liverpool Victoria Insurance Co Ltd
HHJ Gargan, Middlesbrough CC, 23.10.17
HHJ Gargan, Middlesbrough CC, 11.01.17
R (on the application of Bhatti) v Bury Metropolitan Borough Council
[2013] All ER (D) 355 (Oct)
Rennie v Logistic Management Services Ltd and Smith v Wyatt
[2011] EWCA Civ 941
Talbot v South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
DJ Stewart, Southampton CC, 21.09.19
Wilkinson-Mulvanny v UK Insurance Ltd
Regional Costs Judge Phillips, Cardiff CC, on 19.01.23
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