Sarah Robson Barrister
0800 634 9650
The original Black Belt Barrister
Fixed Costs Specialist
MOJ RTA & EL/PL Portals & Fixed Costs
Sarah has a wealth of knowledge and experience
in dealing with fixed costs cases, including those to do with the MOJ Portals.
See the Portal & Fixed Costs Cases Index page for details of Fixed Costs case law.
EL/PL Portal Protocol
The EL/PL Portal Protocol can be found here:
Current RTA Portal Protocol
The current RTA Portal Protocol can be found here:

Published Articles
Sarah has written a number of articles on the MOJ Portal and Fixed Costs
and often lectures on this topic.
These include:
PI Briefing
Ordered out by judge
- held to be an election to leave Portal
Click here for an article by Sarah which appeared in PI Briefing Sept 15 the case of Payne v Scott - on how she persuaded the court to find that where an earlier judge had ordered a claim out of the Portal and into Part 7 proceedings, that was still an election by the claimant to leave the portal.
Inside the Portal
Click here for an article by Sarah which appeared in Claim Magazine in December 2012 "Sarah Robson - Inside the Portal."
Claim Magazine
PI Focus
Binding nature of Portal Settlements
PI Focus June 16 - Sarah had an article published regarding accepting individual heads of loss in the Portal, and the binding nature of Portal settlements.
The Quirks of the MOJ Portal
Click here for an interview with Sarah Robson which appeared in FOIL (Forum of Insurance Lawyers) November 2012 "The Quirks of the MOJ Portal."
FOIL Magazine
Lexis Nexis Webinar
The claims Portal, Protocols and Fast Track
Click below for details of a webinar by Sarah Robson on Lexis Nexis.