Sarah Robson Barrister
0800 634 9650
The original Black Belt Barrister
Fixed Costs Specialist
About Sarah Robson
Geographical Area Covered

The yellow circle shows the courts that Sarah Robson normally works in for in person hearings, although most of her work is still remote so all courts in England & Wales are available.
Sarah Robson is closest to courts around the Coventry / Northampton / Milton Keynes / Birmingham / Leicester / Reading area, but also regularly travels to Birkenhead, Liverpool, Leeds, Cardiff, Manchester, Bristol and across London.
Sarah will travel further by arrangement.
The Sun Newspaper - December 2023
Sarah Robson was recently interviewed by a National Newspaper, The Sun, regarding a specialist court case concerning liability orders for the boxer, Tyson Fury. This article appeared on the front page of The Sun in December 2023.
Read the article here:
Counsel Magazine Oct 2023
Counsel magazine recently ran an article about Sarah Robson being a black belt and a barrister, in particular how each 'skill set' impacts on the other.

Alpha Court Chambers
Sarah practices at:
Alpha Court Chambers
12 Paddock Close
Bidford-on-Avon, Alcester
B50 4PJ
Professional clients should ring for Sarah's postal address if needed.